Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Current Radar/Severe Wx Possiblity

I admit that I don't know as much about weather as I would like...

However, check out this storm as it is threatening our area. I don't think I've ever seen a radar image quite like this one around here. It looks almost like a hurricane! Quite a spin in the atmosphere is all I can tell about it. I would love for any of you to further explain this to me!!

Here is the radar graphic as of a few minutes ago, courtesy of Weather Underground.

Here is a close-up of it as it is passing through my area, about 45 minutes after the first radar image.


  1. Nice little storm heading your way. Hope nothing TOO bad happens!

  2. Ami, that is a little area of low pressure that came through. That's why it had a little spin to it.

    Be sure to make some storm reports if you get some! I'll do the same.

  3. As the storm is passing over us, there are heavy rains, and a lot of lightening/thunder.

    So far so good! :)

  4. Here's your local visual satellite image. (note: the data is real time) Quite an impressive little system.

  5. oooooohhhh! Very cool image, WxWatcher! I love visual satellite images of storms.

  6. Ami, were you able to snap some photos of the clouds as the storm passed through?

  7. Unfortunately, I wasn't. I'm at work and don't have my camera with me. If I were smart, I would just carry it around everywhere I go. I may start doing that. I can tell you, however, that it got VERY dark as this passed over!
